CS Education Act Press Release
The link above is to the press release detailing the Computer Science Education Act.
New Bill Focuses on Lack of CS Grads
The CS Ed Act should provide a much needed focus on CS education. This article discusses the act and its possibilities. This is an interesting development and one that quite a few different groups support. Anything that can get some attention focused on Computer Science Education is a good thing and it is even better when the plan makes sense.
The article also poses the question concerning the affects standardization could have on those programs that take a more non-standard creative approach to teaching the subject. I like the reference to making the program “sexier” in the description of the Porter-Gaud CS program. I have said quite few times that Computer Science programs need to be “sexier” if you want students to sign up. Computer Science has lots to offer but learning needs to be engaging and entertaining or students are just not going to get involved.
Most High Schools Lack Quality CS Programs
This is another interesting article that kind of piggy backs on the one listed above. I spoke with Erik when he was working on the article and he makes some really nice points about the issues facing Computer Science education. He spoke to quite a few people and has some really nice data included.