If you are looking for a great summer professional development experience, check out the UT First Bytes teacher camp information below.
The First Bytes outreach program at The University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) announces our 9th annual First Bytes Collaborative Workshop for Computer Science Teachers, July 9-11, 2014 at the UT-Austin campus.
The goals of the workshop include:
1. Improve Computer Science education in Texas,
2. Learn about new technologies in Computer Science,
3. Exchange effective teaching methods and best practices among colleagues,
4. Build relationships between Computer Science high school teachers and UT-Austin faculty.
The First Bytes Teacher’s Workshop is an opportunity to meet with peers from across the state to explore the challenges and opportunities for Computer Science education in Texas high schools and to invent ways to improve collaboration that will impact student learning and achievement. Participants will earn AP CS Continuing Education credit for full participation.
If you are interested, contact Mary Esther Middleton via email at mem@cs.utexas.edu . This workshop is first come first serve so get your name in the hat as soon as possible if you are interested.
If you are looking for AP Computer Science Summer Institutes, check out my workshops page. I will cover lots of cool comp sci topics and spend lots of time on the NEW AP CS A Labs! Email me at stacey.armstrong@apluscompsci.com if you have questions.