Tag Archives: AP Computer Science Free Response

Past AP Exam Musings

Each year, I try my best to predict the AP questions.

Normally, I get somewhat close.

It is not quite as much fun as in the past as all four questions have been labelled so we know the concepts tested for each of the 4.

Here are my unofficial musings for the 2020 exam.

For this year, we have 2 questions : 1 array / ArrayList question and 1 method / if / loop question

For question 1, we have a couple things to consider.  First, will the question be an array or an ArrayList.  Second, will be the array or ArrayList house types for which we are familiar like integers and / or Strings or some type [ class ] we have never seen before.

Over the years, one dimensional array questions have been nearly non-existent as compared to the number of ArrayList questions.  The HorseBarn question from 2012 was an array of Horse [ Horse[] ].  That was fun.  Part b of that question had a bit of sorting to it.

There have been several List< String > and List< Integer > questions over the years.  Digits from 2017 is a good example.

The AP CS A exam has a long history of List < THING > questions going all of the way back to 2006.  The Cookie Order Question from 2010 [ List< CookieOrder > ] is a great example of a list of some class as is the Climbing Club [ List< ClimbInfo> ] question from 2012.  WordPair from 2018 and Gizmo from the 2020 sample questions are in the same group.

For question 1, I envision a List < THING > question like CookieOrder / Gizmo / WordPair with some type of sort algorithm component.  Order all of the THINGs in some order based on some specific value housed in the THING.

For question 2, we have a couple things to consider.  First, will the methods be part of a class with instance variables and such or will the methods be static utility methods.

Frog simulation from 2018 is a very good example of a class with instance variables where methods are calling other methods with ifs and loops possibly in the mix.

Self Divisor [ focus on % 10 and / 10 ] from 2007 and Calendar from 2019 provide examples of a class with all static methods with one method calling another method.  CheckDigit from the 2020 sample questions is another.

For question 2, I envision a Frog simulation type question with non-static methods doing some type of String manipulation.  String stuff would involve use of substring and indexOf.   2017 Phrase is along the lines of what I am thinking in terms of concepts and layout, but that question is way harder than I would expect to see this year.

DISCLAIMER – I have no earthly idea what will be on the exam, but it is quite fun to look at the old questions and try to guess.  I am operating totally on feel.

Email me or visit my site if you have questions or need any help.

If you need any last minute ap exam prep, I am still providing FREE access to the A+ Practice Site.
I recently loaded in a new set sorting free response review problems. There are also tons of other free response review problems in the site.

Take Care,


AP Computer Science A Review

Well, it is getting close to time to start reviewing for the AP Computer Science A exam.

What main topics are heavy hitters to review?
For sure, review classes, arrays, arraylist, and matrices.
Probably not a bad idea to do a nice review over recursion and sorting and searching.
Obviously, there is more to review, but these are main topics that are musts.

How to review?
Multiple choice review is critical. A randomized multiple choice system like Moodle or Canvas really helps. Load in lots of questions and randomly pull a few out at a time. The main thing with multiple choice is that students need to work through lots of MC questions.
For Free Response Review, have students write out old FRQs on paper and then type them up and run them. This process works great and will enable students to see where they are off on their code on paper. Plus, some of the FRQ topics are fairly interesting. The main thing is to crank out lots of code during your review.

Check out A+ Computer Science for great review materials.

Best of Luck

Good luck on the 2017 AP Computer Science Exams!

Good luck to all on the 2017 AP Computer Science exams!

Here are my predictions for this year’s 4 AP CS A Free Response Questions.  DISCLAIMER :: I have no idea what the questions will be, but I have fun each year trying to guess the topics before the exam.   I have gotten pretty good at predicting the free response topics as I do spend considerable time working with the released free response questions.

1.  ArrayList of Classes / References –  You gots to know how to write code to manipulate an ArrayList<NeverSeenThisClassBefore> as it is on the exam every single year going all of the way back to 2006.  This question type involves lots of drilling down to get to the various pieces.  You must be comfortable with abstraction to handle this type of question.  2010 had the CookieOrder question and 2012 had ClimbInfo.  Sparse Array from 2015 was another cool List of classes question.  I think making something like Sparse Array but with a list of lists is quite possible.

2.  Make a Class from scratch – Every student should know how to make a class, implement an interface, and extend an abstract class.  In 2014, the Trio question marked the return of the interface FR which means an abstract class Free Response can’t be too far behind.   Be prepared create an interface / abstract class in part A and then use Part A to make a new class in Part B as was the case in 2015.  Be prepared to override some methods and make something new from something old.  You know you will have to create a complete class or create something really similar and it will be super!   Look at the 2005, 2006, and 2007 AP FR questions if you want some past FR examples.

3.  Processing an Array or String – String – String –  I missed the boat on the Strings last year as there were a whopping 3 questions that did something with Strings.  They will not get me this year as I am including both arrays and Strings here.  I know it is kinda like cheating, but I am covering my behind this year.  I predict a basic algorithmic array or string question.  Look back at BatteryCharger from 2009 or the Sound question from 2011.  Those questions are pretty good algorithm questions.  Find a particular something in an array or string.  I am also betting part A must be called by part B and / or part B must be called by part C.

4.  Matrices – Be on the lookout for another matrix of classes question.  I predicted this in 2013 and was wrong, but I went with it again in 2014 and hit pay dirt as the there was a Student[ ][ ] question on the exam.  Finally!  There will certainly be a matrix question again this year and with PictureLab being one of the AP CS A Labs, I am thinking a matrix of references is again a distinct possibility.

I will post follow-up comments after I see the 2017 Free Response questions.  Hopefully, my predictions will be right on this year.  I have been pretty close in the past, but this year is a new year.

A few review points to emphasize before the exam.

Multiple Choice [ 90 minutes ] –   Manage time and get through the 40 questions more than once.  Skip the longer questions the first time through.

Free Response [ 90 minutes ] – Answer the easiest question first and do not leave any questions blank.  Make sure to return and to call part A from B if the question says you MUST do that.

If you want some great reviews the AP Computer Science A Exam,  I have quite a review slides posted   AP Exam review slides   with Java code projects ready for students to complete.  The Java code projects have runner files and everything students need to test student hand-written free response code.  Feel free to use them to help your students.  It is very beneficial for students to write the free response code on paper and then type it up.

Do you need great AP Computer Science Curriculum that covers all of the topics I have listed above?  Do you need labs, slides, tests, quizzes, and worksheets that cover arrays, arrays of references, ArrayList, ArrayList of References, Matrices, Matrices of References, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes? Take a look at the A+ Computer Science Curriculum.

The A+ Computer Science Curriculum was designed to provide students with multiple opportunities to master the core concepts covered on the AP Computer Science A Exam.

If you like my humor and want to spend a few days hearing more about how to get students ready to ROCK the AP exam, check out my workshops going on over the summer or email me about setting up a custom training at your school or for several schools.  I will show you how to get any student ready to make a 5!

2016 AP Computer Science A Free Response Solutions

Well, I was tardy in getting my predictions up on the blog.  Too many irons in the fire.

Here is a quick summary of my predictions.
1 – Class Creation with Inheritance  [ I was close, but I figured Abstract class ]
2 – ArrayList of Some Class [ This one is easy as its on the exam every year ]
Just happened there were several parts this year with ArrayList of Some Class.
By Some Class, I mean Some Class that is new to the testers like CookieOrder or ClimbInfo.
3 –  Matrix of Some Class [  2014 had the Matrix of Student  –   Crossword was fun this year ]
4 –  I said String or 1D Array [  Good lord I had no idea there would be 3  YES 3 String Questions ]

I was pretty close on several of my predictions.
I was not even close on the number of STRING questions.
Do not get me wrong – I love me some STRINGS, but good lord – Really?  3 Questions with Strings?  Enough about that.

Check out my A+ curriculum materials if you need awesome support for any of the concepts tested on the multiple choice or Free Response.

I have posted slides with my solutions and a java student project that has shells and no solutions.  This project will allow students to punch in their code and see if works.

There are review slides for the AP Computer Science A exam for years 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.  There are student java projects in place now for many of the AP Computer Science Free Response sections.

Have a great summer and check out my workshop offerings if you are free this summer.    http://www.apluscompsci.com/workshops.htm

I also do local workshops for schools and school districts.  If you need specialized local training, email me and we can discuss specifics.

2015 AP Computer Science A Scores Posted

2015 AP Computer Science A scores are now posted.
Login at College Board website to get your scores.

 “Can’t wait to see the new A+ Computer Science Materials! Your materials work – happy again with the recent AP scores!”    DK from Ohio

The new A+ 2015-2016 curriculum materials are ready for download.   New samples are also posted.  Login and download when ready.

Email me at stacey.armstrong@apluscompsci.com if you want a login so you can check out A+ Computer Science Curriculum Materials.

AP Computer Science A exam numbers are growing big time!

The number of exams taken for AP Computer Science A has grown from roughly 20,000 just 5 years ago to almost 50,000 in 2015. That is incredible growth!  Teachers across the country are delivering great content in an interesting and relevant way. Keep rolling AP Computer Science A!

Looking for relevant Computer Science curriculum with real world projects?  Check out the A+ Computer Science materials.

Email me at stacey.armstrong@apluscompsci.com if you want to check out A+ Computer Science Curriculum Materials.

2015 AP Computer Science Free Response Question Solutions

Well, my predictions for the 2015 AP CS A Free Response were close this year as usual.

There was a matrix question again this year.  It was pretty simple and was not a matrix of references this year.  This question had part a, b, and c with b and calling a and c calling b.

There were 2 class creation questions  again this year.   I guess you can say that is a trend.
One was a string question just involving simple class creation.  The other was writing and implementing an interface.

There was an ArrayList of classes again.  The sparse array was a cool way of creating a matrix.  It seemed much like an old AB question as we used maps to to make grids back in the day.

Check out my A+ curriculum materials if you need awesome support for lists, arrays, matrices, interfaces, and all of the rest.

I have posted slides with my solutions and a java student project that has shells and no solutions.  This project will allow students to punch in their code and see if works.

There are review slides for the AP Computer Science A exam for years 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.  There are student java projects in place now for many of the AP Computer Science Free Response sections.

Have a great summer and check out my workshop offerings if you are free this summer.  My workshop is full in Houston with a ton on the waiting list, but you never know if some spots may open up.    http://www.apluscompsci.com/workshops.htm

I also do local workshops for schools and school districts.  If you need specialized local training, email me and we can discuss specifics.  My system works great and gets students ready to ROCK the ap exam!